Here's whatcha do.
Go to court. The first thing that will happen is, you'll stand in a long-ass line for a meet-and-greet with somebody from the District Attorney's office. What you say to them is that, given your clean record, you'd like a continuance. In some jurisdictions this is called a "Prayer for Judgement Continued", or "PJC'.
Most likely they'll have no problem with that. Then you'll go sit down with the riff-raff, and the judge will come in. When your name is called, you go up to the bench and say in a proud, clear voice that you request a PJC. The judge will ask the DA how they feel about that and they'll say it's fine. The judge will bang her gavel and your ticket will go away never to be heard from again. You'll pay court costs, but your insurance company won't ever know about it.
Here in Durham County, NC, you get one PJC per household every three years of clean records.