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Old 07-08-2004, 06:11 AM   #15 (permalink)
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
A few months back I was driving back to my mates place at about 1am on a thursday night, being a thursday quite a few people go out drinking and on one particular road which i had to go down there was a checkpoint. Because I was on my resticted licence (not allowed to drive passengers or drive between the hours of 10pm - 7am) I was scared shitless, they had chosen a perfect place too, right at the start of a motorway, so with a divider in between the lanes I couldn't pull a U-Turn without them seeing me and following me, so in the end I just drove though, they asked my name and address, I hadnt drunk anything so they just let me through. I was so relieved that they wernt checking for licences too

Sitting at home, what am I doing?
Boy waitng by the phone
Alone, jealous and stoned
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