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Old 07-08-2004, 12:12 AM   #2 (permalink)
Addict ed to smack
skinnymofo's Avatar
Location: Seattle
velvet revolver may very well be this new band that changes things once again. Although their still similar to stuff that was from over 10 years ago.
i agree with you on most new bands not doing so hot. I feel the problem is not with the music itself, but the image of the band for their marketing and their GOD AWFUL singers. Ill watch a music channel or listen to radio every once i na while and youll hear an awesome sound and then all of a sudden this whiny little punk starts singing about how his life sucks or that he just wants to die.
And then theres the metal band singers who would be ok if the singer or should i say screecher didnt just yell stupid crap into the microphone.
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