Originally posted by Halx
yep, but if you pay with a check, you get my nifty signature in the mail in a month.
Well, I can see a scanned copy of my check. But if I'm writing it to the TFProject won't you have to endorse it "TFProject?"
3885-J Cochran St
MBE #351
'scuse my "midwestern-ness" but I've never seen a street number with a letter attached. The "MBE #351" I have no clue about either, little help? Is that a PO Box, or something like that?
I constantly wonder if some sort of thread with a running donations total might help. Of course, I also wonder if that'd make some people, the ones that care, keep donating when they see the site needs it. I'd be worried about some people paying too much. WOuld it in fact discourage people from donating if they saw the minimum was met? Would it make people think the board is a money making venture? "All about the bling," they'd be thinking.
Or, do occasional posts like this help more than any other stratagey?
The TFP's money situation interests me, I think, because I get something from my time here, and I value that. If I knew how badly funds were needed, I might be reminded, "oh yeah, instead of buying that 6 pack of Newcastle, send Halx ten bucks."
Just me thinking out loud though...