It finally happened
Yep, after nine years of close calls and heart stopping encounters it finally happened. I got a speeding ticket. I had done so well not getting caught. My radar detector had saved my ass a number of times. I felt strong, invincible some might even say.
I was pinched by the long arm of the law today on my way home from work. I was doing 57 mph in a 35 mph zone....not good. I was driving with all the windows down, had the stereo blasting and couldn't hear the radar detector going off. By the time I noticed the RD freaking out at me it was too late. The cop had his lights on and I just pulled over, because come on, I knew I was speeding and he knew I was speeding.
Since I was in a small town in NH I expected the worst, but coming from a family with law enforcement in it's blood I was hoping for the best. It turns out that the cop didn't give me an attitude, I didn't give him any excuses. This was the conversation:
Cop: YOu know why I pulled you over?
Me: Yep, I was going WAYYYY to fast...There is no excuse that I can give for my excessive speed. I won't even waste your time with that crap.
Cop: *a bit shocked* Okay...You were going 57 in a 35, not much break I can give you buddy. No excuse for 22 mph over, if it were 15 I would cut you some slack, but 22...can't do anything about that, be right back.
(15 minutes later)
Cop: Here's your summons, take it a little slower. Hey one more thing, how much did you spend for that radar detector?
Me: Not nearly enough
We chuckled together, it was a moment, but there I was with an $86.40 ticket....thank God I live in NH.
Anyone else have tickets recently? What was your experience with the officer that pulled you over?
It was like that when I got here....I swear.