Originally posted by G5_Todd
If we have any AA vets in here; any willing to log on as me and complete my SF training! 
Um, unless this has changed recently, they monitor all accounts being sold and disable them. I saw a LOT of this stuff mentioned in the forums, where people had bought an account off eBay then complained when it didn't work.
And I second Bamrak. It's not actually that hard. The secret? Go slow as SHIT. Like, NEVER do anything except crawl in the prone position, while holding your walk key... unless you ABSOULTELY need to. You just need to know the correct way to go.
The first several times I tried it, I got impatient after I got to objective A and started trying to run in places... and I spent like 3 days on it because I was impatient. Then I gave up for 2 or 3 days, came back when I was in a better mood, and beat it the first time.
Good luck.