My daughter, who is 20 months old, is a real character...
She has a pacifier, only when she is in her crib to sleep. Before she gets up she will either drop them out of her crib or put them on the outside edge of the bed. This way she can sneak back into her room and get the pacifier... like we don't notice. My wife makes her put the pacifier on the wall side of her crib.
She also insists, now on sitting at the table with us rather than in her highchair...
She is almost exactly like Ned's daughter... she understands what we are saying (i.e. take this and put it in the garbage... she puts it in the garbage) and even says a few words but she would rather just point and say either mom mom mom or dad dad dad...
Whenever she sees a motorcycle or a scooter she points and says Dada! (I drive a scooter).
Every morning when I leave for work she sits on the porch and waves while I drive off... I usually give a little toot on my scooter's horn. The other day, when I forgot to honk she was very upset. She looked up at my wife with a worried look on her face saying honk, honk?
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke