For everyone worried about losing Edwards' Senate seat, it is already lost, he is not running for reelection and his term is up this year. He has played an "all or nothing" game, and no matter how it turns out, he has set himself up for the future.
Overall, I think Edwards in a good choice. He is bright, energetic and a natural campaigner. While he does not bring a state, he brings an ability to energize the Democratic base which the Dems are hoping will ensure a high Democratic voter turnout. The Kerry campaign determined that none of the VP candidates could guarantee a needed state, so they chose the guy who had the widest national appeal.
As far as Gephardt, he could not bring Missouri and Edwards actually has more labor support than he.
Graham has been very stong in Florida, but his numbers have decreased in recent years and much of the country finds him a little odd.
Vilsack once again could not guarantee his state and does not poll well nationally.
Hillary was never really considered a candiate for V.P. and she did not want it.
I really think this should be an interesting campaign.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
-Douglas Adams