I can tell you my experience.
A few years after I had my daughter I started experiencing severe cramps which I'd never had before...I figured...oh well Im getting older and I've had a child, my body has changed, I had my yearly check ups told them about the cramps etc. My tests always came back fine. Well it got to the point that my cramps really truly hurt like labor pains and the bleeding was really bad. Fortunately for me my insurance changed and I had to get a new GYN. She discovered that my uterus was full of cysts and that my body had pretty much stopped producing progestrone. They put me on a pure progesterone regimate...3 months on the pills, 3 months off. Every 3 months I had an internal ultrasound to check the cysts and they did indeed decrease dramatically.
It also changed my metabolism and I lost a lot of weight that I had not been able to get off by myself in the previous years. And as with Reanna my libido increased as well...Im not sure if its because I hit the "over 30" sex thing or if it was the pills...but I've been off of them for a year and its still just as strong.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!
Last edited by ShaniFaye; 07-07-2004 at 10:48 AM..