To recycle ANYTHING we have to take it across town to the dump. In our apt complex there is no place to keep our recyclables. We're not allowed to keep any bin or garbage can on our patio outside (they're such pricks). If and when we move our city provides everyone with bins and they collect the recyclables with the trash if we live in town. If we go to the place we're hoping for they have a burn can already there for paper, we'll have to take our own trash to the dump to pay for it, so you can be sure we'll be more ecologically minded. Even still, we aready do recycle our cans at least. Everything else is hard to find a recycling center that will take it. Even the plastics - in our town they only accept milk jugs.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.