Big surprise that we see the word scaremonger in there.
This latest round of Anti-Drug propaganda is getting a little ridiculous.
"Buying drugs supports terrorists" uh-huh
"Smoke Marijuana, get pregnant/raped/sodomized." uh-huh
"Smoking Marijuana is just as dangerous as good ol' regular smoking" Well, no shit. I smoke my fern hanging in the window, chances are it isn't good for me. And the term "just as dangerous" leaves me a little marijuana is "just as dangerous" as smoking tobacco, yet I can purchase 20 death sticks in box form for handful of dollars....
I just wish the Government would say: Okay, look, were all adults understand the risks involved....go out knock yourselves out. Smoke everything....
It's time for you to start acting like an adult and taking responsibility for your actions, were tired of babysitting
No signature. None. Seriously.