Which is more important to you, allowing taxpayers to keep more of their money or funding government projects in areas such as defense, education and welfare?
I would suggest stabilizing and auditing current defense spending, and moving to reduce / privatize / eliminate unnecessary federal spending.
Should the US take an active stance in defending itself against terrorism, or should we refrain from invading other nations?
We should actively defend ourself against terrorism, but refrain from wholey invading other nations unless it is necessary. Iraq was a 12 year old mess of ours that needed to be cleaned up, and I wouldn't advocate a similar scenario for anywhere else.
(This is an easy one) Are you more pro-life or pro-choice? DO you think stem cell research should be pursued?
Anti-abortion after 12 weeks after conception, fine with it prior to 12 weeks as long as parents are notified if the mother is under-age. Aborted fetuses are not the only source of stem cells.
Would you rather protect the environment or allow companies to grow and prosper?
Protect the environment to a reasonable degree, but not drive businesses away like California.
[Gay] Marriage
Get marriage OUT of our legislation. Replace "marriage" with a gender-neutral "civil union" and allow people to acquire civil union licenses after they are married.