People who believe that the physical body that exists within the confinements of this universe is all there is to a person would probably have no trouble with using any of the teleportation methods.
It is only when you bring the possibility of a soul separate from the body that the idea becomes uncomfortable. I think that this squeamishness is caused by an unclear idea of the connection between the physical body and the soul. I assume that nobody believes that if you were moved fast enough you could leave your soul behind; since the soul does not exist in the corporeal world it makes no sense to think that the location of the body should prevent the soul access to affect the behavior of the body.
So we have a soul that can direct the actions or behavior of a physical body, wherever it may be in the universe. That indicates that there is something unique about the makeup of a given body to link it to a particular soul. If that body is duplicated, and the original not destroyed do you think it possible that the soul linked to that body makeup would still color their actions as it did before? Obviously they would have different experiences, and over time would become to behave differently. Does this mean that they have different souls now? People change over time; everyone changes significantly as they go through their lives and yet we are willing to say that they have not changed souls. Can a soul have more than one aspect, expressed through multiple bodies?
What if there can only be one body per soul? If a duplicate of the body is made does this body have a new soul (playing God) or does it not? If it does not have a soul, then how would you tell? It would believe that it had a soul, and it would behave as if it did (ideas of morality and faith). If this body prayed would it mean anything? If not, why would a body with a soul praying be different?
...I thought I had an opinion, but I just have more questions.