Picked the wrong Major!
I know I have asked you guys different things, and some of your advice has helped me more than you will never know. I really could use some advice on one more issue. Basically, I am semester away from getting a degree in a bullshit major. I tried to take the easy rode, and now I realize that I will be struggling for the rest of my life because this diploma doesn’t really do anything for me. (Art of Television and Radio, minor in Marketing). My mom is actually an accountant for a Pharmacy branch, where I currently work as a Pharmacy Technician (nothing to do with my major). Coming out of High School, I really wanted to be a Pharmacist, but a horrible SAT’s score, and an average of 78, didn’t get me accepted into any of the Pharmacy Schools. My current school didn’t have a Pharmacy Program. Next thing I know, it’s the end of my Sophmore year, I still don’t know what I want to do, but I have to pick a major or I lose financial aid. Of course I pick the most enjoyable (easiest). I love production, but it’s nearly impossible to get into the business. Most of the guys I run into with my major, are now doing something totally different.
I am thinking of getting a Pharmacy degree eventually. Maybe not right after I graduate, but after I try to enter the field of my current major. If that doesn’t work out…I guess it’s a solid plan… My question for you is what would I need to do? I have completed all the core requirements, so when I go to the new school, will I only need to be there for 2 years? Will I be able to transfer core stuff, and just concentrate on the pharmacy thing? Will I have to basically start college all over at 23? Could I go to a graduate school and do pharmacy there? Not really sure how this whole thing works. Anyone with any remote knowledge on the subject, please give me some advice.