Always lock everything. No matter if you're going to be away for a minute, or a week. Lock everything.
I have watched as people walk through a parking lot and start pulling on car door handles to see what they can find. (did you know that if a guy is focusing on a door handle, he rarely sees a cop getting ready to tackle him? That's a story for another day) If your door is locked, they will move on to the next car. If your doors are open, they'll get inside and take a look. Usually it's just change that is stolen, but if you leave valuables in your car, it's their lucky day.
You don't know how many theft reports I take because people have left doors unlocked, or keys in the ignition, or cars left running to warm up, or windows open while they are at work....
Please people, lock your doors!
(PDOUBLEOP - Sorry for your loss)
Last edited by fhqwhgads; 07-06-2004 at 12:25 PM..