07-06-2004, 11:48 AM
#153 (permalink)
Originally posted by roachboy
um---i am really not sure why you would bother to appeal to my academic role, as if that would help your position. i refer to it in order to explain why the way i write sometimes gets dense, but in general i am not working out of that space here. for example, if i were in that mode, i could hand you a long list of texts that would demolish your basic categories, and i could be in a relation where i could actually encourage you to address questions when they are posed to you. and inasmuch as i would like to do both at times, i made a prior decision to be here as myself in more or less citizen mode.
what exactly is "islamic civilization"?
there are something like 6 billion people (maybe more--i am working from memory, am in transit at the moment)--what they have in common is a belief system, a religion. that belief system necessarily involves one for or another relation to classical arabic as a function of strictures against translating the koran--however the ways in which this relation is articulated varies wildly place to place. like any huge, diverse group of people, the people who share this belief system they operate in many many different contexts----the largest population is in indonesia, for example.
so when you try to make arguments about a hallucination you call "islamic civilzation" you will understand why i do not know what you are talking about. when you throw around categories like "mideval barbarians" to categorize the people who you imagine to live within this entity, you will understand why i think the line that seperates how you talk from racism is really really
note: HOW YOU TALK...not you as a person.
when you use the word fascism--i remember across threads, for better or worse---it is obvious that you dont mean anything in particular except that you do not like the person or group that you designate by the term. it is like the way the term functions in "the short course of the history of the soviet communist party"--hitler was a fascist--trotsky was a fascist--everybody was a fascist that opposed the order being legitimated through the text.
you have referred to hillary clinton as a fascist. you use the term here. (a:b::b:a---that's the logic here) so you will understand if in this case as well i do not understand what you are talking about.
i am going back to dormant mode on this thread--i found the articles i posted earlier to be interesting, so i came back in.
o and bushwar i made up. it is a private shorthand. i dont know if others might use it, if i copied it, if they copied me, if it is just an obvious term to use and if many folk have converged on it.
I take umbrage at being called a racist.
I am not. It is not racist to make an objective assessment of the decline of Islamic civilization while the West has developed.