Originally posted by analog
So now that you say "thought", are you admitting there were none? I'm confused by your change in stance.
Also, to no one in particular, this is not another Michael Moore thread. Stay on topic please.
And Sun Tzu is right on the money- keep it civil and nothing gets locked (unless it strays horribly off-topic).
"Thought" as in: "were convinced that there were things". Or how about "were pretty sure there were things, for lack of any proof to the contrary". How is that admitting there were none?
In international intelligence, it is pretty rare that one is *sure* about things. One can only make educated guesses, which, combined with inherently inaccurate data, give a certain probability that something is true. Therefore, if a world leader and his/her intelligence agency say "I think Saddam has WMDs", then they're pretty damn sure of it. If more than one (rival) countries agree, then there's a good probability that it might be true. You can then deny it, or even claim it cannot be proven beyond a doubt, but that's hardly relevant. The only "proof" in this instance would have been an Iraqi WMD killing thousands.