Sorry but it really does seem like that. The comments you made are a damned if she does damned if she doesn't type of statement. Hillary promised the people of New York that she would fulfill her first term. But many on the Republican side don't seem to be able to believe her. Even when she is finally free of her VP speculation some still have to spin the event towards being her malevolence.
Clintons control the center/right DLC, not DNC. And the DLC has been deflated considerably. The New Democratic Network (quite a bit more liberal) is quickly stealing much of it's thunder.
The Clinton's themselves command a leadership role in large part because of their successes as politicians and for their fundraising network. But they are now two cycles out of Presidential power. That plus the primary did a great deal to decentralize the structure of the party. Especially with Dean's rediscovery of the strength of small donors and his alliance with Gore.
The Democrats are not the puppet party you think it is. The Clintons will always be Stars. But they are not the Democrats dictators.