I was very surprised at this. I thought Kerry would balk at picking Edwards, because Edwards was the one who wanted it so bad, and not that Kerry wanted Edwards. Kinda a pride/ego thing. I figured Graham wouldn't do it, (and he's kinda nuts, too)but that Gephardt would be the choice.
Gephardt would have been the Cheney-like pick, in alot of ways. Great for the Demo base, help with labor and the midwest, and lots of experience, but Edwards will probably be the best bet for him in the long run.
Kerry is a bad campaigner, and the cliched joke is that the less he speaks, the better his numbers are. Who better than a successful trial lawyer to spin facts and convince undecided average Americans to make the decision he wants them to. Plus, the "son of a mill worker" helps counteract Kerry's upbringing to anyone that might think that's an issue. Edwards, like Bush, has always exceeded low expectations, and I think this was a bad day for the Bush camp. Gephardt would have been their hope, I bet.