Big Brother 5 is set to premier tonight on CBS. Lets use this thread like we have in previous seasons to discuss the ongoing drama in the house, the houseguests, interesting links, predictions, and spoilers.
I would highly recommend that anyone that likes to be suprised by what they see on the live shows to NOT READ THIS THREAD. Similarily. If you live on the West Coast and will see a delayed show, do not read this thread on eviction days when the the East Coast show has been shown.
Feel free to use the Spoiler Tags. Which you can activate by typing [spoiler][/spoler] at the beginning and end of your text.
Now. to the houseguests - is the official CBS website for bigbrother and already has the houseguest pictures on it.
My favourite site for big brother information and news is - I will often post stories and articles that I have learned from this site here.
Have fun all, and here is to another season of one of our favourite reality shows!