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Old 07-06-2004, 06:47 AM   #21 (permalink)
Location: RI
Originally posted by tokaok
the reason why moving in to test out whether to get married is such a bad idea is that the whole premise goes against what a big portion of marriage is about.

moving in together is about "well is something starts bothering in a few years i can always opt out" where as in marriage "if something starts bothering me in a few years , atleast i have some one i fully trust to work this out no matter how hard it may be."

to be serious, live in is jsut for sex and economical convenience , dont dissolusion yourself thinking its about love.

here a quick LINK
i found, there are many many more studies on the effects of live in couples.

over all taking two couples who are both having a long term relation ship, the couple not living in together is a) mor likely to get married b) have a more stable relationship c) less likely to get a divorce
This seems to me to be a flawed argument. Because you're saying that the person who is not married doesn't already act like they are married. All marriage is now in my opinion is a piece of paper saying what I already know about my S.O. It also gives us more economic benifits. We currently live together when we go to school for what our parents believe to be a purely economic reason but we know it's otherwise. We are getting used to each other so that we know we are compatiable. While living with her, we barely have sex, so I know that's not why we moved in together. We have fun living together though because for the most part, we enjoy living together.

As to the origional question, I asked when the timing felt right. We had been going out for I believe a year. I offically asked last summer which made it two years and unoffically asked her after a year.
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