Originally posted by djtestudo
Yes, let's take the word of two people who were ARRESTED for something without hearing what they did. THAT's a great way to get a quality discussion going.
As I noted in my post, it's possible that my post speaks not to a civil rights violation, but to a journalistic failure. Simply, the article is either true or not true. I would hope that had they committed a crime (I noted disorderly conduct, or something of the like), that the reporter would have noted that as well. All we have to go on is the report.
Originally posted by Seaver No, it's presenting your opinion in a manner and time that will not cause problems.
So we only have freedom of speech at certain times, namely when other people are willing to listen? I know what you're trying to say, but it is in no way a justification for the police action that took place.
If I were at a Kerry rally, and saw two guys wearing anti-Kerry shirts, I might assume they were there to start some kind of trouble, but until they did, they have a right to be there, wearing whatever kind of shirt they want.
As kind of a side note, there's a difference between speech on a shirt, and actually yelling something, or heckling, or using speech in a way that is actively disruptive. If they had damaged the group's right to have a peaceful gathering, then they should have been removed; I assume that wasn't the case.