I own an Expedition. It fits my lifestyle. It hauls groceries, tows my trailer, seats 9 when family is in town and is 4X4. It gets locked in after the first snow and unless the roads are dry, stays locked in until breakup. It rarely goes off road, I have off-road vehicles for that. It is a 97 with 70k on it.
I wonder if people that dislike SUV's would prefer a little bit of their own mentality when it comes to music, jobs, and all the other things that make America a great place to live. People have a choice to drive a vehicle within their means and most people will drive one at the upper limit of their income. This can be for safety, comfort, climate, family size or even peer pressure.
I do not believe in tax breaks, safely manipulations or weight limits should exist for ANY private vehicle. Only commercial special purpose vehicles should be (intelligently) exempted.
Be glad that there is still freedom of choice in a vehicles. Without them, there would be no low-riders, rv's, classics, sports cars or motorcycles.
I believe that ANY vehicle can be driven by a moron and those pointing fingers at SUV's for poor driving skills should rethink their statements. If you have issues with SUV's, what is your real agenda?
Back button again, I must be getting old.