One day at the adult store...
The new employee was doing pretty good, so the manager decides to leave him on his own and go run some errands.
"I'll be back shortly, Jim, good luck."
So Jim is cleaning counters and restocking. In walks a lovely white lady. "How much are your dildos?" she wants to know.
"Fifty dollars, ma'am."
"What about the black one...?"
"Fifty dollars, black or white," Jim replies.
"Well, I'll take the black one. I've never had a black one before!" She pays up and leaves with her purchase.
A short time later, a lovely black lady walks in. "How much are your dildos?" she asks.
"Fifty dollars, black or white," replies Jim.
"I'll take the white one," says the lady. "I've never had a white one before." She hands over her money and leaves with her new dildo.
After a bit, a blonde walks in. "How much are your dildos?" she asks.
Now into the routine, Jim replies, "Fifty dollars, black or white."
"What about the plaid one?"
"Ah, now that's a very special dildo. That one is two hundred dollars."
"Well," says the blonde, "I'll have that one. I've never had a plaid one before!" She hands over two C-Notes and leaves.
A little later, the manager returns. "How'd you do while I was gone, Jimbo?"
"Well, I did pretty good." Jim replied. "I sold two dildos, and I got two hundred bucks for your thermos!"
DEMOCRACY is where your vote counts, FEUDALISM is where your count votes.