Originally posted by ibis
[B]Of course there's a chance of NEVER rolling a 1. But statistically, after rolling a die six times you have a very high chance of rolling a 1.
If I'm still wrong - please correct me. I just don't understand how you're saying my math is flawed.
Okay, the issue is that statistics isn't really the same as math (even though it falls under "math and logic").
The rolling of a die is a very practical, logical thing. If the die is perfectly molded then, on average, you'll get each number once out of every six rolls. Of course, even a perfectly even die won't give you these results. This is called chance.
Now, the human body is nothing at all like rolling a die. Biology is not predictable under basic logic and chance. This would be much like warping the die out of a perfect shape. But that shape cahnges EVERY time the die is cast. What then are your odds of rolling a 1? 1 in 6? maybe on that last roll is was 1 in 3, the next roll it's 1 in 10000 due to the altered form of the die.
Now with something like pregnancy, take both of those together... chance and unpredicatbale biology. The chance part is the chance of the condom failing outright. That's the ~99.7%... well, the inverse. There's approximately a 3 in 1000 chance that the condom will fail. But that's also going to be a greater than actual chance to cover the arses of the condom manufacturers. If it so happens to fail, there's still a random and fairly slim chance that during any given period of intercourse, the female will become pregnant. This depends on where she is in her cycle, various aspects of the males anatomy at that particular time and other aspects of hers as well. Hence many couple when they TRY to conceive will go at it to or three times a day for WEEKS with no luck.
The end result is, be careful, but don't be paranoid. If you truly are not in a situation where a pregnancy is an option, period, then you probably shouldn't be having sex at all. I know that sounds sort of lame, but it's true.
My son is 8 and I'm 27. His mom is 25. We're not together now (though we get along) and NEITHER of us were in a good position to have a child. I'm not saying it because it's easy to just abstain. I'm not saying it out of principal. I'm saying it out of experience!