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Old 07-05-2004, 06:51 AM   #39 (permalink)
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Location: USA
cthulu23, absolutely.
What I'm saying is that each individual grants credibility to sources and opinions according to personal standards. There is some measurable commonality to how folks tend to do that sort of thing.

Here's an example that goes to the point of this.

One of the advocates of increased gun control legislation that I give a great deal of credibility to is former Assistant to the President and White House Press Secretary, James S. Brady. Why do I ascribe an extra dose of credibility to his position? Because he was a victim of gun violence. And he was motivated to study and research the issues in an especially personal way.

As to the largest reason for my continued opposition to additional gun control legislation - in my opinion, we have more than sufficient regulation and legislation already on the books. The need is not for more legislation. The need is for enforcement of existing laws and regulations.

As always in this forum and on this board, I am not debating anything. I'm simply stating my positions as regards topics under discussion.

I do note that many people are interested in debating things here.
I'm not one of them.
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