Originally posted by The_Dunedan
Let's be clear here.
It was the SC contingent ( about 30-40 people ) who were being threatening. Waving a club in someones face and threatening to ( Illegally! ) confiscate their property is not exactly "Peaceful." Attempting to confiscate private property, in such a case, could be classed as Extortion or, in the case of the club-waver, Armed Robbery. Let's be clear who's simply "Insensitive" and who's a CRIMINAL.
The PPs were escorted from the rally by Columbus Police FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY. That is, in order to keep from being ASSAULTED. Most of the PPs were carrying their weapons unloaded, and would have had no way to defend themselves from this crowd of bigots.
Additionally, according to two seperate lawyers retained by Pink Pisols and the Citizens Committee, not to mention the Columbus Police, the PPs were within their rights. SC WAS NOT. It was a public even, on public land.
The article that I linked to stated that the Columbus City Prosecutors Office agreed that as the event organizers, SC had the right to refuse entry to anyone with firearms and that the police asked the PPs to leave (after consulting with city hall) because of their insistence on carrying their guns. If you have some news source that disputes this sequence of events, please reference it.