I may be misreading, but what I've gathered is Stonewall didn't want the PP to bring guns to the event. As the "creator" of said event, he has the right to either approve or deny guns being brought to it. He didn't ask them not to come, he asked them not to bring guns. You could argue that the PP just attending without guns could draw attention from the intended cause, but I'm not seeing where they were denied attendance. "Don't bring guns to this event." Seems like a reasonable request to me.
Businesses on private property have the right to deny guns on the premises. This event didn't happen on private property, per-se, but when Stonewall was the overseer of the event, organized it, payed for it, planned it - he was granted certain privelages, one of those being the right to have or not have guns permitted at the event. He chose to *not* have guns allowed. If one or two random people had firearms, alright...no big deal. Tell them they can't bring guns into it. Tell them to come back after they've put the guns away. But when an organization who advocates firearms shows up, ESPECIALLY when *they* were asked not to bring guns(surely Stonewall knew it would steal thunder from the true cause of the event), thats just blatantly trying to get people riled up for THEIR cause.