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Old 07-04-2004, 07:25 AM   #9 (permalink)
james t kirk
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Location: Toronto
Originally posted by SLM3
The impression I got during this most recent election was, "We're pissed at the Liberals, but that Stephen Harper scares the shit out of us!". I was definitely among that group.

Oh yeah. A lot of people were saying, "I dunno what it is about this Stephen Harper guy, but there's something that I just don't like."

The combined PC / Alliance party actually got less votes than last time!!! But since they were united, they got more seats.

It's interesting, 8 months ago, no-one, I mean no-one thought Martin would get anything less than a majority, and an astounding one at that. Prominent PC's such as Mike Harris and Bernard Lord opted not to run and I think it was because neither thought that they could defeat Martin in a million years.

And they would have been right.

Until Adscam.

If either of them were at the wheel of the Conservative party, they would have done better than Harper. Harris would have been able to have a much better showing in Ontario.

I have always liked Martin because he has run the country like a business and has done amazingly well in terms of balancing the budget and paying down the debt and I hope he continues to do so. We as a country could not have gone on year after year spending more than we earned. It's just plain insanity and a recipe for an economic melt down. I firmly believe that if it wasn't for Martin, Chretien would have just continued deficit financing like Mulroney and Trudeau before him.

I think Martin knew about adscam, but what's he going to do??? Rat out his leader and sink his own party?? You'd like to think that it could be done, but it can't. It would have sunk the liberals. A mutiny from within. Unheard of in politics.

Now that the election is over it is my one true hope that they start shining the adscam spot light where it belongs. And that would be right in Jean Chretien's eyes. That rat was the guy behind it all, and we all know it. But I think just like Brian Mulroney covered his tracks very well, the same will be true of Jean boy.

Martin is now on probation (and rightly so). He has done well, but as we all know, you can do 10 good jobs at work, but do one bad one and you are a bum. I expect that this sort of shit comes to an end now with Martin. No more HRDC, no more adscam, no more pressuring banks for friends, no more idiotic gun registry like programs.
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