I came close to a fight twice but never all out fist fought since I was 18. I've sparred plenty but nothing real.
First time was a friend of mine in college that got upset about something. He was all in my face and I shoved him back because he was just too close for comfort. We had students all around stand up at that and we knew it wasn't gonna be allowed to continue. We both backed down.
Second time was my brother was goin after my soon to be husband (2 weeks before the wedding) I stepped between, grabbed my bro's leather jacket and said "Dont' you dare." He backed down. I really don't know for sure what it was that made him back down. He's hit me before but I've always walked away in one piece. I hope it never comes to facing him down again.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.