Originally posted by cthulu23
I understand the subtleties of the phrasing. The intent is clear.
If anyone knows anything about me, it is that i do NOT flame, I do NOT call people names, and I do NOT insinuate that people are stupid, "ignorant", or any other variation of sub-intelligence. If you REALLY MUST believe that's what I did, then I sincerely apologize, and I will try to make myself more clear in the future when referring to specific subject matter, and not people themselves.
I am not perfect, I am ignorant of many things in this world. That does not make me ignorant in a general sense. I was referring to the collective ignorance of the law being displayed by those who were arguing against me. That is not subtlety, it's not even clever semantics, it's plain English.
Otherwise, please kindly observe the way i've always posted and take it to heart that whatever insult you think you read in there, is simply not there.
Best regards,