Originally posted by cthulu23
The PPs weren't "perfectly within the law," as the law backed SC's right to exclude firearms from the rally that they organized. The initial post that started this thread glossed that fact over, but it is the truth. That is why the city of Columbus sided with SC.
I've not seen it shown that that is the law. So, show me where it specifically states there is a law against people who already have gun permits in that state to show at a public rally on public land, and we won't have a problem.
If there
is a specific law that prevented them from doing so, and no one brought it up until just now, then I have argued with people who don't even know what the hell they're arguing about. Sometimes, though, that's par for the course.
Originally posted by cthulu23
Edit: I thought that calling someone ignorant was considered bad etiquette on these forums. Should we lock the thread?
Um. No,
I (or any of the other staff) will not be locking the thread. One odd comment will not get a thread locked.
Second of all...
Originally posted by analog
Perhaps ignorance of the law is making this harder to understand for some people.
...is not calling anyone ignorant. I didn't say, "you're ignorant". I said "ignorance of the law...". Saying "ignorance of ______" simply means not knowing about it. I was also not speaking to anyone in particular, especially since i said, "for some people". "Some people" makes it plural, as in more than one, so it was not directed at anyone.