Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
The final breaking point is the point at which your brain refuses to carry out any more voluntary motions and, based on either the need for rest or a strong emotion such as guilt, terror, hopelessness, or any of many emotions, induces psychosomatic paralysis of a sense.
Yup. That's exactly it. A breakign point can be temporary (a split-second to a few minutes), long-lasting (hours, days, weeks, months), or permanent. Most seriously long-term, and pretty much all permanent occurences of such a mental phenomena are caused by a lengthy build-up of disorder or chaos in the mind- not a single, qualitative event.
There are, however, times when a single event has enough impact on a person's mind as to immediately and permanently render them "broken"...
These are usually the types of events you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy...