Originally posted by pan6467
Analog, I explained my view a gun is a weapon and a symbol of violence to many, therefore it should not be necessary to take one to a rally promoting peace.
First of all...
Originally posted by Jimmy4
It's a rally promoting acceptance, not peace.
Second of all, my white skin is a symbol of violence AND oppression to "many people" - basically anyone who's ever been trampled on by whites due to their race. The small amount of my German heritage is a symbol of violence and oppression to "many people" - anyone fucked over by the Nazis. MY COCK is a symbol of violence and oppression to "many people" - hardcore feminists, anyone who's ever been raped or abused by a man, etc...
Whoever you may be- I will not cover my skin to protect your sensitivity, I will not deny my heritage to console your feelings, and I will not cut off my penis to make you happy.
Originally posted by pan6467
To me that is theft.
Ok... so is your beef that they're taking guns to a rally where they're not wanted, or because they're glomming off the others' work? They're still gay. They're still here, they're still queer, and they still want us to get used to it (reference to a chant commonly used by them, not MY words, for those who don't know).
It is ridiculous for them to preach acceptance and tolerance from one side of their mouth while yelling at the Pink Pistols for just being of a different opinion out of the other side. They are getting all up in arms (wordplay intended) over nothing, end of story.
Originally posted by pan6467
...because some people chose to try to be above the law and make a statement where they shouldn't have.
They were perfectly well within the law, you are very incorrect on that statement. Perhaps ignorance of the law is making this harder to understand for some people.