Originally posted by seretogis
You're reaching, in a big way. This is not a complicated issue, and there is no reason to complicate it, other than to try to blame the victims.
The victims were Stonewall because PP was asked not to promote their cause or bring guns and they refused (knowing it would create problems and havoc and public nuisance), thus stealing a service from the legitimate party, that did pay and take the time to organize and were liable, while PP walks away scot free having paid no money, having put in no time and effort, and getting exactly what they wanted.
This escapade hurt the whole gay community in Cols. because next year Stonewall will probably have to pay more liabilty insurance, more for police AND the citizens of Cols. can point to this year and have a case for total denial of permit.
In my opinion Stonewall was the victim, not PP.
Like I said this affected a few close friends and it is sad because it hurts the whole community, because some people chose to try to be above the law and make a statement where they shouldn't have.