I thought that we needed an account of this story that actually took quotes from both sides, so follow
this link for a more balanced account of the event.
Here's an excerpt from the Stonewall Columbus response to the critcism:
Stonewall Columbus has no official organizational policy in favor of or opposed to handguns.
Columbus City Police and trained volunteers provide security for the Stonewall Columbus Pride Festival. Stonewall Columbus has a community responsibility and legal liability for safety of all people in attendance.
The Pink Pistols were advised in advance of our request not to appear at the Pride Festival with weapons. Nonetheless, they appeared at the festival with weapons.
The Columbus City Prosecutor's Office advised Stonewall Columbus that we had the authority to request festival attendees not to carry weapons. Based upon this advice and our general concern for safety, the Pink Pistols were advised to leave the festival.
What wasn't mentioned in the earlier article was that the PPs were advised to leave the festival by police. If an organizers of this event had the right to deny weapons, then this is legally identical to any other public or private event where firearms are barred. SC may have acted a bit hysterically, but they didn't trample on anyone's rights. I also still believe that the PPs went in there ready for a confrontation, as they were forewarned not to bring any weapons.