Anywhere from a couple minutes to over an hour. If I've got a couple drinks in me it could almost never happen :\
My endurance greatly revolves around my physical condition more than anything. If I'm in decent shape I'm good for 20 minutes with a very short recover time between sessions. Like a few minutes...just perfect for more foreplay.
If I'm out of shape it's 5 minutes, and then roll over and fall asleep.
I'm getting back into shape again so my ability to keep going is improving quite a bit. Longer sessions, and better ability to get two or three goes out of it. When I'm in peak physical shape she'll get worn out before I do.
I always make sure to see to it that my wife is pleased through the ways of the tongue or fingers before we even engage in intercourse. That way if I'm in that "5 mintues and asleep" column she isn't disapointed.