Sinister and maleficient, I said probably because I know a few people that used depression as an excuse "I don't want to go for a walk with you because I'm depressed" they did not have clinical depression- there was no chemical imbalance in their brain that limited dopamine levels etc. that cuase depression. And there was no reason that they should be depressed. Things were going well in their lives. For depressed people, they seemed happy a hell of a lot of the time. They used the catchword depression to avoid work. to be depressed was to feel lazy for them. After spending time with them I started catching their habits and it took some force of will to get back on track.
What i'm saying is, health problems imagined or real are surmountable obstacles in almost all cases. They should not be used as a crutch or an excuse to avoid doing something because you are too lazy. Sure there are times when hypoglycemia will result in you being depressed, but through management of your diet you can all but eliminate your depressive symptoms.
always try to find solutions to your problems instead of reasons.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim