Originally posted by DelayedReaction
pan6467, have you ever actually fired a firearm?
I see no reason why anyone should be denied the right to carry a firearm. Stonewall was wrong to deny the Pink Pistols the chance to participate in the rally; sexual freedom is far more important than whether or not someone is armed. Assuming the Pink Pistols acted in a peaceful and legal manner (which they did), then Stonewall should have let them express themselves as they see fit.
Guns are not evil. They are not violent. They are tools. It is extremely easy for a criminal to obtain a firearm; why shouldn't citizens be allowed the same right. I have never met a gun owner who would deliberately disrupt a public event, in fact I have never met a gun owner who wanted to draw attention to the fact that he's armed.
Stonewall brought shame to the event by placing a fear of guns (hoplophobia really is a cool word) above her desire for sexual equality. Just as a person should not be discriminated against because of race or sexual preference, they should not be discriminated against because they're armed.
As stated here numerous times in other threads, yes I have fired quite a few guns. And may someday own one, I am not anti-gun.
I am, however, supportive of people who want to peacefully demonstrate and choose how to. Stonewall chose not to want PP's there, I am sure if PP's had not brought their guns and tried to get the focus off Stonewall and onto their group (leeching and being predators) then it would not have been a problem.
Instead PP let Stonewall do all the work and pay all the bills (permits, pay the off duty officers, pay to close the streets and what not)
and thought they could make a name for themselves and get free press. THAT IS WHAT THIS ALL BOILS DOWN TO, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
No guns are not evil, never said they were. I just simply stated my opinion that guns have no place at a peace or peaceful demonstration. And that those who do bring them are doing so to create problems.
Love guns, like guns, hate guns or don't care about guns one thing is true guns are a prime symbol for violence, so why would you take one to a peace demonstration? I have yet to hear an answert to that.
I will reiterate this, Stonewall asked PP's not to come. PP's then had to have come to create problems and get free press from other people's hard work. That is wrong.
If the PP's want to have a rally they can do their own work and pay their own bills.
I'm heading Cols way anyway today so I'm sure I can learn more because I have several friends down there that are heavily active in the community.
It just amazes me, that there are people on this board who yell about zealots and fanatics and taking things overboard yet when it comes to them it's ok for them to be all those things because "damnit they are right and fighting for the right cause." Yet, they don't realize when others do the same on causes they don't approve of. (I don't mean that in a bad way, just find it interesting.)
There is nothing wrong with being passionate about your beliefs, that is what makes us all unique and interesting people. However, it is WRONG to force others to defend or harass about, their opinions. If you expect respect for your opinions and your causes YOU MUST SHOW RESPECT TO OTHERS.
How would you like it if you worked hard for a year to get a parade and rally for a cause, only to have some other group come and try to take over (as I asked before and yet, another question ignored out of fear.)
Why is it I ask legit questions and they get ignored yet have to defend MY OPINION? What you can't defend yours, so you don't have to answer the questions I asked?
Not trying to fight but it is not civil or respectful to ignore questions about your beliefs, yet continue to question and try to show up the opposing side.