Being a black man myself, I completely agree with Dr. Cosby. I'm not too sure anymore if some people in the black community are just content with bitching and complaining for the rest of their lives without standing up and making something happen for themselves. I myself have never expected anybody to give me anything and knowing this, I knew that I would have to work my ass off to get to where I wanted to be.
I may get flamed for saying this, but in my 27 years on the planet, I have done a lot of growing up recently and I have come to realize that rap music is damaging to our community. Like TOK said, having parties to remember Tu-Pac instead of remembering Dr. King during black history month!?! I'm sorry, but that is just plain fucking pathetic. Until we stop idolizing the rap stars that make it seem "hip" to be poor and live in the projects in the ghetto, and the younger generation begins to realize that it's their responsibility to make something of themselves, the black community will be going nowhere.
Last edited by Flyguy; 07-03-2004 at 12:38 AM..