I think it's funny that, as is fairly typical of this kind of thread, the conservatives were the main posters in the beginning, and a barrage of liberal posts come in later in the thread life.
Somewhat like talk radio, when you think about it (what points does Air America make - that's if anyone can actually still pick them up - other than "We Hate Bush?").
At any rate, you wanted proof? As cthulu23 says early on, slanted though it was, Colin Powell said that, based on our intelligence findings, we knew where the WMD's were. You know why he said that? . . . Because we did . . . we had them on satellite. Satellite photos showed them three weeks before we got to their location, and as we moved across Iraq, they were loaded into convoys and moved away, which was also shot on SAT photos. Know why you've never heard about it? Because you watch CNN or Entertainment Tonight for your news. Take a little from both sides. Oh, and if you want the typical verification of that, check out Neal's liner notes from a while back (searching WMDs might do it) at boortz.com. I'd do it myself, but, frankly, I don't care that much. Y'all have a nice night.