Originally posted by Church
How exactly does one find out the exact amount of calories in the everything he eats/drinks?
There are lists, but calorie counts are misleading. They figure them by literally _burning_ the food. A calorie is a measure of heat energy, after all. Your body doesn't work that way, and all calories aren't equal. An apple, for example, has something like 70 calories, but a lot of it is tied up in fibers that your body can't actually digest. So you don't take in all 70 calories when you eat an apple. Same for any food that's kind of fibrous or woody -- it doesn't all get digested before it passes through. Processed stuff that's laden with sugar or fat, on the other hand -- you better believe that your body absorbs pretty much all of the calories, because the food's kind of been pre-broken-down for you by the food processors -- the sugars, especially, are likely to be simple sugars that don't even _need_ to be digested.
At any rate, I knew a guy who went on a serious diet supervised by nutritionists, and they told him that he could eat all the apples and steamed or raw veggies that he wanted and not bother to include them in his calorie counts. He lost a lot of weight.