Don't nag him too much yet. I ate similar crap when I was his age, back in the dark ages. If he gets even moderate exercise, he'll be all right for now. And by moderate, I mean walking around a lot, even lots of low-intensity movement as long as he doesn't just sit on his ass in front of the computer for eight hours a day.
That's for now. Inside of five-six years, things will start to change even if he keeps moderately active. Past a certain point, exercise can't make up for crappy eating habits. But I will say that at this point, he doesn't have to eat super-healthy -- just healthier than he is now.
For starters, get him off processed carbs and onto unprocessed carbs: baked potatoes, brown rice, etc. These are things that he can put meat, veggies, cheese on, etc. to make a quick meal. I'd try to get him interested in a rice cooker. I kick myself for not knowing about them when I was a bachelor, because you can make a big pot of healthy rice (without even having to watch the pot) and then use it as a base for meals for days -- throw beans and meat on top, chicken and veggies on top, onions and cheese, whatever. Not necessarily "health" food, but "healthier" food. And it'll get him in the habit of assembling his own meals, which is almost always healthier than eating the prepackaged stuff unless you do an Elvis and smother everything in bacon or whatever.