Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
When I get my Concealed Carry Permit, I will be carrying my gun anywhere that I can legally carry it unless I feel that there is too much of a chance of it being taken or being off of my person (into a bar where a bunch of drunks could jump me and take it or I might be too intoxicated to safely aim and fire if the need arises, somewhere where I'll be swimming and have to take the holster off,) and in those situations, it will most likely go into a box with a combination lock in the trunk of my car.
Here in Louisiana (and other states, I think), even with a permit you aren't legally allowed to carry concealed in a bar. This is probably not a very controversial regulation.
Do you think that organizers of an event have the right to refuse entrance to those carrying weapons? I'm sure most concert promoters and schools try to bar weapons from their functions. Do you consider this an infringement of your rights?
A member of the Black Panthers is a prime target for violent vrimes perpetrated by those who do not agree with their message, and they have just as much of a right as every other responsible citizen to carry a self-defense weapon.
Right on! Hell, the 2nd amendment is there so that the poor can protect themselves from The Man