Originally posted by Lebell
Why do you need to disarm me to feel at "peace"?
Why is it I can carry my gun "peacefully" up to the point I arrive at the rally, but I can't carry it "peacefully" in the rally?
Why is it that I have to justify my right or desire to carry a gun with me when it has already been determined legally that I can?
A walk in the park is "peaceful", should I be disarmed there as well?
The bottom line is this: If I am trusted to carry a gun, the I am trusted and if your rally/parade is on public property, then it really isn't your business if I carry a gun, so long as I am legally allowed to.
This is one reason why this country has so many problems.
WHY, if I organized a peace rally do you feel the need to disrupt it and not form your own?
WHY would you feel the need to disrespect my wishes at a rally I formed, and did all the work on?
It's all about respect. The ONLY reason you would bring a gun to a demonstration of peace that I organized would be to make a point.
To me that is very disrespectful. You do your own work and make your point, don't come into my yard and shit and say...."oops, but I'm allowed so fuck you." and to me that is what you would be doing.
I have respect for you, I would not do that to you, why would you feel the need to do it to me.
Simply because YOU want to use my forum, my hard work to make YOUR statement and to me that is very, very wrong and disrespectful.
A walk in the park, go ahead, that is not for me to decide and I truly don't care, but not at my rally or demonstration.
Besides that article is VERY misleading. Yes, in OHIO you may carry weapons but as far as I know you still have to "register" before public demonstrations.
It's all about respecting the people who did the work and went to the trouble of arranging the event. Obviously, the "Pink Pistols" (or the way you talk about our hypothesis) have no respect for anyone but themselves. Not to mention are too lazy to do their own work and organizing.
As for public ground, depends am I paying for the use of it (it then becomes private), am I responsible for the actions of everyone there (if so then by rights I should be allowed to dismiss anyone I want, if I deem them trouble).
We can argue this both ways until eternity end Lebell, you aren't changing your opinion and I'm not changing mine. You feel my opinion to be wrong and arrogant, just as I feel yours to be. It's an impass.