I understand that in the recent elections the liberals lost a number of ridings to the "Soveriegnists," as the seperatistes have now redefined themselves, in the province of Quebec.
I think this was generally true Canada wide, wasn't it?
Marylou Finley and Barbara Bud from "As it Happens" opine that this has much to do with the Sponsership Scandal, and little to do with a general desire of the Quebecois to seperate from Canada.
Could one of our Canadian members thumbnail this for me? The sponsership scandal that is.
I am also really interested in talking about the seperatiste movement in general, as it seems to be the cure all for everything Quebers don't like. Whether it's budget deficits or surplusses they feel they should be getting more of. Either way, the Soveriegnistes have an angle...it seems.
Anyhoo...looking forward to learning more about my native land
BTW...Happy Canada day (belated) to my homey's from the north.