interesting discussion.
i do wish that there was a way to be more explicit about the politics of the sources, but there we are.
wonderwench---you do understand that human beings make history, that they make their social world and the conceptions of it, and that ineuqities that result are a function of human beings and that therefore it is obviously not a problem to demand that those inequities be addressed.
and if there was a god behind this, or somenatural order, you would think that it would have to be a fucked up kind of god, or that the natural order should be something that a civlized country works to replace with something more humane. we are not, after all, creatures in some jungle unless we ourselves make that jungle and talk ourselves into reducing ourselves to a position inside it.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite