Originally posted by onetime2
Yes they have been increasing their debt levels but not beyond what is sustainable based on their levels of wealth accumulation. If it was not sustainable what do you think would be happening to bankruptcies and foreclosures?
The banruptcy rate has been ballooning. In fact, the Bankruptcy Reform Bill was passed due to the growing "abuse" (use) of the system.
this link for some numbers. The link is from the Cato Institute, who I don't agree with on most everything, but you can't dispute hard numbers. Notice that the number one given reason for bankruptcy is credit card debt. Is this the healthy expression of growing wealth that you speak of?
The pages of analyses and data you have provided, while "gleaned" from government sources, ignore the very facts that I've pointed out in this thread. The articles and analyses so readily available are so full of holes in reasoning, analytic rigor, and economic theory that it's almost laughable. To point to one or two indicators to prop up broad economic phalacies is the worst possible "analysis".
Perhaps I find your reasoning "laughable." You talk in generalities about wealth growth without giving much backing evidence. Perhaps you are right, but given that you don't feel that it's worth your while to grace us with an analysis, we may never know.