Watch out for food costs. They add up, fast. I have worked in downtown Charlotte for the past 4 summers, and it took me two years to realize I was spending about $600 a summer on food. I stopped, and now only eat out once a week. Much more cash flow.
Think about it: $6 a meal (and thats cheap here), 5 days a week... Thats 30$ a week, usually more (I was hitting $50 a week for a while)... Multiply that by 10-12 weeks... Thats a lot of money.
Make sure you get most of that money and put it somewhere its hard to get out--like a savings account. Checking is too easy to "just take out $20 from the ATM."
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."