Originally posted by onetime2
Consumers have been spending at unbelieveable rates and that is almost entirely due to increasing wealth.
Actually, Americans have been accruing monstrous amounts of debt in the last few decades. Credit, not newfound wealth, has driven the spending of many of our fellow citizens. Consumer spending is keeping the economy affloat, but this pace cannot be sustained forever.
cthulu23, I could put together an economic analysis that shows how much better the lower economic classes are compared with previous years but it takes a ton of time and I've made the mistake of doing that before only for it to be completely ignored and "rebutted" by those who do their economic analysis by proxy using article quotes from others that don't address the points I make in my analysis.
I would be interested in knowing what range of years you would use in your analysis. I'm interested in the period form the late 70's to now, which is the period of declining income that I've referenced probably 3000 times in this thread.
In all truth it's not worth the time because most here prefer the sound bite economic analysis presented in magazine blurbs by pseudo economists with partisan agendas. This isn't meant as a criticism of you (or anyone else that's responded in this thread) just the facts as I see them.
I don't consider it an insult to myself as I've provided pages and pages of data and analyses that was gleaned from government sources.